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Explore Past AI Code Competitions
Global AI Expertise Takes Flight at Airbus
Airbus, leveraging tracebloc's platform, challenged AI experts to enhance pilot landing guidance through a six-week code competition. Hosted on Airbus's Hamburg data center, equipped with advanced computational infrastructure, over 80 teams developed AI models to distinguish runways with exceptional accuracy, contributing to Airbus's pursuit of excellence in aviation safety and efficiency.
"Training AI models on Airbus's data centers with limited access to data and compute, was a challenge I really enjoyed."
Tomohiro Takesako

Ph.D. in Physics | Kaggle Competitions GM | Tokyo, Japan

"I really liked that all competitors had the same amount of computation budget - it leveled the playing field."
XI Fang

Computer Vision Researcher @ SmartMore Corporation SJTU AI Lab | Kaggle Competition Master | Shanghai, China

"Getting access to proprietary industry data to test new AI model architectures was a unique and seamless experience."
Vadim Borisov

AI/ML Researcher | Ph.D. in CS | DSAR Lab | Tuebingen, Germany


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